Dentist in Hialeah & Kendall

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Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment in Kendall, FL

A root canal is an endodontic treatment, and it is a very serious procedure. It helps to repair and save a badly damaged or decayed tooth. If you have dental decay, then your dentist in Kendall, FL, generally recommends fillings. But in case the infection spreads, and you get a deep decay that infects your tooth pulp, you might have to undergo root canal therapy.

The root canal procedure is when the infected nerve and pulp of your tooth are removed, and the area is cleaned and sealed. Without proper treatment, the infection can spread further, and an abscess may form. You might also end up losing your teeth. In the case of root canal therapy, your dentist will try to save your natural tooth structure and remove the nerve only. That means you will not have any sensation in the teeth as they become dead.

When do you need root canal therapy?

Experienced dentist at Smile Perfect Dental Studio offers root canal therapy in Kendall, FL, if you have the following signs:

In any such case, you should always contact your dentist in Miami, FL, and get your teeth and gums checked. The more you delay, the more complicated your dental problems will get.

Getting a root canal therapy in Hialeah, FL

If you have dental decays or experience any of the symptoms above, contact our dental office in Hialeah, FL. We have experienced dental professionals who will thoroughly check your mouth and decide the right treatment for you.